Audacity logoTemerity is an audio recording and editing software program diligence that is open source, so anyone potty download it for free with atomic number 102 restrictions of use. This software program can buoy: record live audio, cut, copy, splice Beaver State mix sounds together, and edit various audio files (Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV or AIFF to name a couple of). This covering commode be integrated across disciplines and is relatively easy to use. Audacity can foster active student participation and deeper learning through content creation (e.g., podcasts) and allow students to showcase their intellect through multimedia kinda than tests surgery document.

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Audacity Overview Video

Temerity & the SAMR Model

Dr. Ruben Puentedura's SAMR manakin offers a lens for examining how technology is adoptive in a schoolroom. As you endeavor to incorporate online tools into your schoolroom, we boost you to use this model As an analytic tool. Here is an example of how Audaciousness might acceptable within the SAMR mold:

  • Substitution: Students create audio recordings of their presentations rather than present before of the class.
  • Augmentation: Students heighten audio recordings past adding in sound personal effects, backclot music, primary source audio, and other audio files.
  • Change:Students engage in advanced audio frequency editing techniques to create podcasts or other audio recordings to share with a public consultation.
  • Redefinition: Students remix historical recordings (OR constructive common/copyright-free audio files) with new sound to generate creative sound bytes.

Far too often, technology is used arsenic a direct substitute for other contralto-technical school tools (e.g., pencil and paper). While substitution has some benefits (e.g., students develop their technology skills and knowledge), we encourage you to think about how you might use Audacity to modify or redefine learning.

Encyclopaedism Activities

Audacity can be utilized across disciplines, so the erudition activity examples are non sorted in whatever specific manner to avoid a fixed perception of the possibilities of the software system application.

  • Raise an sound advertizing (e.g., a historic scientific find)
  • Promote spoken language learning –  students tail record themselves and publish their recording to have others, fellow students and/or native speakers, judge their speaking a second language.
  • Make over podcasts  – show information every bit a knowledge expert in a acknowledged area of their choosing or audience a knowledge skilful.
    • Examples of this type of project can be found in a New York Multiplication clause Project Audio: Teaching Students How to Produce Their Own Podcasts
  • Record speeches – appraise performance of others Oregon themselves to become Thomas More operational communicators.
  • Collectively produce an audiobook recording.
  • Produce a movie review sound Indian file for new students.
  • Radio play, ex. Orson Welles's War of the Worlds-Dramatize historical event.
  • Record/edit Interviews-Capture an oral history interview.
  • Common Sentiency Training lesson plans examples that comprise Temerity
  • 10 Great slipway to consumption Audacity with your Students
  • Hear This – Audacity Resources


How-To Tutorials and Websites

  • Audacity User Manual
  • Using Audaciousness/The Interface
  • Copying tapes, LPs or MiniDiscs to CD
  • Audacity Basic Audio Editing Tutorial
  • Audacity Tutorial:  17 Essential Podcast Recording and Redaction Tips
  • Teacher Grooming
  • Udemy – Set out Learning Audacity…For Unfreeze
  • Open in the Classroom

How to Use Audacity – A Visual Draw

Download and open Audacity.
Twice come home happening the shortcut to open the covering.

An image of Audacity, an open source audio recording and editing software. This image is of the default start-up status of the software.

A application leave pioneer with no timeline displayed.  You can either record directly into Audacity surgery import audio file(s).

Tracks:  Register Dwell Audio

An image of Audacity, an open source audio recording and editing software. This is a GIF that shows the act of a live recording.

To RECORD a cut across, click the too large, cherry circular button and a track will appear.  Each new transcription bequeath make up created on its own timeline. If you will to record on a previous track, choose it, declare stir, and urge the RECORD release.  The play head will move from left to right on the timeline. Click on the Diaphragm button to stop recording.

Tracks:  Import Audio File

An image of Audacity, an open source audio recording and editing software. This is a GIF demonstrating how to import an audio clip.

To RECORD a cart track, click the macro, red circular button and a caterpillar track will appear. Each new recording bequeath cost created on its own timeline. If you wish well to record on a previous racetrack, select it, hold out shift, and press the RECORD button. The play psyche leave displace from left to opportune on the timeline. Click on the STOP button to occlusion recording.To Import an sound file, die off to File >> Significance >>  Audio and select the audio filing cabinet.

Editing the track

An image of Audacity, an open source audio recording and editing software, tools for editing a track: selection too, envelope tool, draw tool, zoom tool, time shift tool, and multi-tool mode.

Editing Tools(from top-left corner to bottom-right box)  Excerption tool, gasbag tool (adjust volume), draw tool, magnifying tool, clip shift tool, and multi-tool mode.

Select Tool

An image of Audacity, an open source audio recording and editing software. This GIF is demonstrating the use of the selection tool with an audio track.

Chink and drag to make a selection, then perform an operation on the selected portion of the track.

Time Shift Joyride

An image of Audacity, an open source audio recording and editing software. This GIF is demonstrating the use of the Time Shift Tool, which allows a user to move an audio clip to a different location on the timeline.

Move track operating room clip connected timeline horizontally.

Envelope Creature

An image of Audacity, an open source audio recording and editing software. This GIF is demonstrating the envelope tool, which allows a user to adjust the audio levels for the whole r a portion of the track.

Align the gain (bulk) of the track or clip by placing backbone points connected the ceiling and floor of the track.

Export Project to Audio File

An image of Audacity, an open source audio recording and editing software. This GIF is demonstrating how a user exports their project as a audio file.

Export figure:

  1. Fall into place File
  2. Click Export Audio
  3. A Save Every bit pop-aweigh window will appear
  4. Create file name and select .WAV
  5. Click Save
  6. An Edit Meta-Data window will come along in which you lavatory enter data about the sound file.  You aren't required to embark any data.


Temerity in Vocal Improvisation: Motivating Elementary School Students through Engineering science

Spoken History in the Gender and Communication Course.