is there a bot that announces new youtube uploads

Telegram, the messaging app, is rapidly rising in popularity. Although Russians Nikolai and Pavel Durov founded Telegram in 2013, it has only recently become a serious competitor to messenger giants WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. It focuses more than on encryption and privacy than the Facebook apps. For example, users tin take 'underground chats' and send self-destructing messages (much like Snapchat). Telegram has also led the manner in terms of AI, and it encourages you to make, download and utilise specialist Telegram bots, although it hasn't all the same developed a formal marketplace for these.

Although not as yet likewise-known as Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp, Telegram has become popular because of these features:

  • Fast messaging
  • Unlimited file sharing size
  • Being cloud-based, making it totally portable
  • Accessible on the Web too as mobile

Telegram users can gear up upward channels and broadcast content to their followers. People subscribe to their favorite channels.

Bots are small-scale programs that run inside Telegram that enable automation. Third-party developers make bots using the Telegram Bot API. Telegram does accept a few official bots for specific purposes, east.1000., @gif and @GDPRbot . Any channel owner can run one or more bots to automate processes in their channels.

A chatbot is a specific type of bot. All the same, at that place are multiple other uses for bots. If you can visualize a way to automate a process in Telegram, and so you can probably find or write a bot to do the job for yous.

Bots tin even offer their users HTML5 games to play solo or compete against each other in groups and 1-on-one chats. Bots can keep track of loftier scores for every game played in every chat. Whenever there'southward a new leader in a game, bots can notify other playing members in the conversation that they need to step it up.

The lack of a formal marketplace and official bot creation tool has slowed the acceptance of Telegram bots. Hopefully, Telegram rectifies these glaring omissions before long. In the meantime, yous will either need to make your own bot (not as tricky equally it sounds when yous use the bot, BotFather – see below for details) or find an existing app that does what you lot want. This post suggests some of the best Telegram bots of 2022 that you can use as a starting point.

23 Best Telegram Bots :

  • 1. AlertBot - @alertbot
  • 2. BotFather - @BotFather
  • 3. DeLorean - @delorean_bot
  • four. Dr. Web - @drwebbot
  • 5. - @dropmailbot
  • vi. FB Video Download Bot - @FBvidzBot
  • 7. Feed Reader Bot - @TheFeedReaderBot
  • viii. File Converter - @newfileconverterbot
  • 9. File to Bot - @filetobot
  • ten. GameBot - @gamebot
  • eleven. GetMediaBot - @GetMediaBot
  • 12. GitHubReleasesBot - @GithubReleasesBot
  • 13. ImageBot - @imagebot
  • 14. Meme Autobot - @memeautobot
  • 15. Movies Tracker Bot - @movieS4Bot
  • 16. PollBot - @pollbot
  • 17. PosterBot - @pstrbot
  • 18. RateStickerBot - @ratestickerbot
  • 19. Sticker Downloader - @stickerdownloadbot
  • 20. TriviaBot - @triviabot
  • 21. TweetItBot - @tweetitbot
  • 22. URL Shortener Bot - @LinkGeneratorBot
  • 23. URL2IMG Bot - @url2imgbot

What Tin can Bots Do For Y'all?

You can prepare bots to automate many of the activities in your channels. For example, you can set up a bot to create reminders almost your text messages or help users save files to the cloud.

1. AlertBot - @alertbot

AlertBot has a straightforward just helpful purpose. You tin create simple alerts and reminders using the format: /alert time text.

two. BotFather - @BotFather

BotFather describes itself as the i Bot to rule them all. You can use it to create new bot accounts and manage your existing bots. When you lot get to BotFather within your Telegram app, information technology links you to help files nigh Telegram bots as well as the Bot API manual.

3. DeLorean - @delorean_bot

You can use the DeLorean bot to send messages to the future, in much the same fashion that the Doc'due south DeLorean took Marty McFly Back to the Future in the movie serial of that name. You can set a specific time or gear up a time interval from the current moment.

4. Dr. Web - @drwebbot

Dr. Spider web ensures the safety of files and links transferred via Telegram; it checks them on the fly. The bot promotes itself as being the first anti-virus bot.

You can send files direct to Dr. Web or forrard them from other chats. If you adopt, you tin add together it to a group to check all files and links.

5. - @dropmailbot

You can use bot to generate a disposable email address and then receive emails. For instance, typing /get will generate a random email address and /offset starts a conversation. It uses the disposable electronic mail service, You will well-nigh commonly utilize it if you lot need a disposable email address for bearding registrations on distrusted services or websites.

half dozen. FB Video Download Bot - @FBvidzBot

You can use FB Video Download Bot to download Facebook videos. All y'all demand to practice is copy the relevant video link from Facebook and paste information technology into Telegram when you run the bot.

seven. Feed Reader Bot - @TheFeedReaderBot

The Feed Reader Bot monitors websites and blogs (using RSS feeds), YouTube channels, Instagram, and Twitter accounts and sends letters when new articles or posts are available. The bot also works in Telegram groups and channels. You can even import existing RSS subscriptions using OPML files.

Whenever one of the sites yous monitor uploads a new mail, you will receive a notification in your Telegram inbox.

8. File Converter - @newfileconverterbot

You can use this File Converter bot to easily convert epitome, audio, and video files from one format to another. It supports video messages and sound messages on Telegram and WhatsApp, along with documents, eBooks, and font files. It currently supports 63 file types across 579 conversions.

nine. File to Bot - @filetobot

With File to Bot, you can relieve files to the cloud, with unlimited storage in Telegram. It is multilingual, and the outset thing the bot asks you lot is to select from a range of languages. It then gives you a welcome message saying, "Welcome to the Filetobot Bot (@filetobot). Save your files hither. Send me any file, and I will salvage information technology in the category. In that location are no restrictions for personal use. If yous share a file with others, brand certain that it does non violate the law".

You can use it to give access to files for your friends while chatting with them.

ten. GameBot - @gamebot

GameBot is ane of the more than official bots on Telegram. Information technology is a demo for the Telegram Gaming Platform. It allows you lot to play chat games with friends and links you to a few sample games.

When you start the bot, it presents you with the message: "I can go y'all 3 fun games to play. Just tap "Play with friends," then choose a chat and select a game." Pick your friend and game, and then y'all will be able to commencement your game.

11. GetMediaBot - @GetMediaBot

GetMediaBot allows you to download media from anywhere. For example, you lot tin can direct download videos from YouTube, music from Soundcloud, and photos from Instagram.

When you showtime the bot, it gives you links to search videos and search music. In addition, you lot can click buttons to search lyrics, direct download, download Instagram stories.

12. GitHubReleasesBot - @GithubReleasesBot

This is a chatbot that notifies you via Telegram whenever a followed GitHub repository has a new release. You begin past selecting the GitHub repositories you desire to follow with a /follow control. Then, you lot can view the ones you have followed with /list. If you subsequently change your heed, you can /unfollow.

13. ImageBot - @imagebot

ImageBot was initially built as a sample bot by Telegram's beta testers. It is a unproblematic bot to fetch images when you request. For example, you apply /go for pictures and /getgif for GIFs.

14. Meme Autobot - @memeautobot

Memes tin can chop-chop go viral nowadays and have seen widespread utilize. This bot can generate memes for y'all chop-chop and with little fuss.

15. Movies Tracker Bot - @movieS4Bot

This Movies Tracker Bot will provide y'all with information about a flick from IMDB. This is a Bots for Telegram bot (from S4 Dynamics).

Y'all search for a moving-picture show past using the control /search filmName, making certain to enclose the film proper noun in unmarried quotes if it is more than than one word.

xvi. PollBot - @pollbot

PollBot is one of the Telegram beta tester's bots. It creates simple polls, which you can then share with a group.

17. PosterBot - @pstrbot

PosterBot helps you lot send posts from unlike social networks to your Telegram channels. You can send posts from Instagram, VK, RSS-feeds, YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, other Telegram channels, and social services to your channels and chats.

Information technology offers many customization options, including the types of posts, filtration of ads and keywords, attachment commitment, and the hours when the bot will send letters. You can also customize the appearance of messages. For example, the Bot will create reaction buttons or insert additional text.

eighteen. RateStickerBot - @ratestickerbot

This bot lets you rate random stickers and discover new sticker sets. You lot can too transport a sticker to the bot, and information technology will return the sticker'southward rating based on other people'due south votes. You lot can select any sticker you want to use in your Telegram chats by double-borer it and pressing 'Add' to come across its sticker fix.

19. Sticker Downloader - @stickerdownloadbot

You tin can use this app to download any Telegram sticker in jpg, png, and webp formats, or a whole sticker pack in aught class. You can apply these stickers on your other messenger apps or as part of a custom sticker pack.

20. TriviaBot - @triviabot

TriviaBot is another sample bot fabricated by Telegram's beta testers. It presents you with a series of multi selection trivia questions. When you are prepare, you tin can type /stats to run across how well you take performed. You can add together it to groups if you'd like to compete with friends.

21. TweetItBot - @tweetitbot

TweetItBot is a Telegram bot that acts as a Twitter client. You lot can use it to tweet anything you transport information technology, including photos, videos, stickers, and gifs. You tin use inline buttons to reply, retweet, like, or delete tweets. You can also use information technology in line to search tweets.

22. URL Shortener Bot - @LinkGeneratorBot

This URL Shortener Bot shortens long URLs, using sites like and Long URLs can be unwieldy and unreadable, and a link shortener like this bot makes them more manageable.

23. URL2IMG Bot - @url2imgbot

Although this bot'due south name may seem like a tumbled mixture of letters and numbers at showtime appearance, if yous read information technology carefully, information technology describes what the bot does – taking a web folio (URL) and turning information technology into an paradigm (IMG) as a screenshot.


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