Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We Are Home Again!!! Yay!!!!!

cat silhouetteDear Mama,

How-do-you-do, it's me, Harley. I'chiliad happy to tell you that I'm finally home. It'southward a different home…simply information technology is a home. I know you've been worrying about me this past year. I've been worried, too. But I institute a nice domicile to live in and I similar the new humans very much.

It was a bit dicey there for a while, wasn't information technology? Tin y'all believe that I was adopted twice last twelvemonth and returned both times? Living in those temporary homes was nothing similar living with yous and Pa. You ii were the bestest that I could've always asked for. I simply wish we'd had more time together …eight years just wasn't enough. Subsequently Pa died, I didn't think I could be any sadder. But you warned me, Mama. You said y'all were getting upwardly there in age and you lot might accept to go keep Pa visitor. I really thought we'd be together forever. But sometimes forever doesn't terminal.

Did you know that I stayed by your side afterward you left? I tried to keep y'all warm for as long equally I could. That big guy from animal control had to tear me abroad from yous. His hands were but as well potent for me. I cried and screamed for him to put me back with you, but he simply wouldn't mind. I've come up to learn that a lot of humans don't listen very well.

The shelter was a scary place , terrifying really. I was confused; I didn't take any of my toys or blankets. It smelled awful…and worst of all, you weren't there .

cat in cageThere were and then many dogs barking and cats crying. Anybody was pretty much saying the aforementioned thing. "Go me outta hither!" I stayed hunched up in the back of my muzzle, missing you and Pa like crazy.

Afterward a few weeks, someone came and took me to a new place. I got scared again considering I didn't know where I was going. When I finally peeked my eyes open, I found myself in another kennel. But this place was much calmer, and I ended upwardly in a room total of other cats in their own kennels, too. They weren't crying like at that other loud place. And I could just hear a bark or two when the big door to the room opened.

But even in this quieter place, I struggled considering I missed y'all and Pa then much. I got pretty ill, Mama, and the doctors poked and prodded me. I just wanted to surrender. I even stopped eating. But the good people at the shelter nursed me back to wellness so I could discover a new forever home.

cat silhouetteMama, I'm not going to dwell too long on what happened next. It wasn't a very fun time for me. I thought I was going to a new forever home – twice – but both times I got returned to the shelter. I don't know what happened or why they didn't want me. But they didn't…and I went back to that shelter with the nice doctors and friendly caregivers. Information technology fabricated me pretty distressing to go dorsum, and I nevertheless wasn't doing well.

Eight months after first arriving at that nicer shelter and bouncing back and forth between supposed forever homes, something happened . One of the nice ladies at that place introduced me to two humans who seemed okay enough. She asked me if I wanted to go into foster care with them. I didn't know what that meant, then I got scared over again and made a mess in my carrier.

I'm headed to foster…whatever that is. And then far, it'southward scary.

It was a long car ride to the foster home and I hid every bit shortly every bit they let me out of the carrier. But little by little, I came to realize that these new humans were pretty nice. They gave me a whole, large room to myself! It was tranquility and warm. I had all I could ever need in that room – food, litter, sunpuddles, beds, blankets, toys…well, except for yous and Pa of course. You both were still gone.

chocolate cat
This is me hiding in the foster room at outset.

paw divider

After a few days in this new abode, I decided to put on my big cat pants and venture exterior of the room. And boy, what an feel! There were other cats in this business firm! Four to be exact. A large, goofy guy named Woodrow. A timid fella named Dexter. A spunky gal named Sophie. And one I have yet to effigy out named Olive (she'southward so mysterious, Mama!). They were all kind of cautious around me, and we mostly only ignored each other.

And guess what, Mama! They as well have a doggie in the house! He kinda startled me at offset and I gave him a good whappy paw. You lot meliorate believe that he leaves me alone now.

Just the bestest 24-hour interval, the very bestest day in the house was the mean solar day they put up the big green tree! Just like you lot and Pa used to do every year! I recognized information technology immediately and made information technology known that I owned the space under the tree. No one else was allowed. Except for all the presents of course. But me and the presents were immune under the tree.

Time went on and I really grew to like these new humans. And Woodrow and I became friends. I would chase him around in the mornings while we waited for the lady human to wake upward and feed us. I really started to savor myself.

two cats
Me and my pal Woodrow (aka Wood-dawg, but only I can call him that).

But I nonetheless wasn't sure what this "foster" matter was all about. Was I hither to stay or not? Should I get comfy with these humans or were they going to render me like the other ones did?

Guess what, Mama? The other day the lady human was talking on the phone and I heard her say, "foster fail." Practise you know what that means? I'm here to stay! She sat me down and told me they were adopting me! I would never have to see that shelter again! She promised me. Nosotros shook on it.

I was so happy that I ran zoomies up and down the hallway. Woodrow joined me. He told me he was a foster fail, too. I judge these humans don't know that information technology's really a foster win.

paw divider

You'll be happy to know that my proper noun is all the same Harley. I've kept it with me through this whole journeying. I know that some kitties get new names when they get new homes. But I am Harley and no one will e'er telephone call me different. The cat guy here wanted to telephone call me Harvey. Tin can you believe it? I looked him straight in the optics (which is hard for me to do with my crossed-eyes), and I said, "My name is Harley! My Mama named me later some motorcycle she'd constitute me hiding under as a kitten!" The cat guy nodded and there'due south been no more than talk of changing my proper noun. We fist-bumped on it.

So, here I am in a new home. I still miss you lot and Pa dearly. I would've loved to spend my whole life with yous, Mama (all 9 of 'em!). But I know I'll be but fine here, then yous don't demand to worry almost me anymore. I'1000 not worried. In fact, I'chiliad quite happy hither.

I nevertheless miss you every 24-hour interval, Mama, and I'll never forget you. But the pain is a piddling less now that I have a new place to phone call home. It's the forever kind, I just know it. And, if yous'll permit me, I'd similar to phone call this new lady "Mama" as well. I retrieve she'd actually like that. And maybe 1 twenty-four hours, I'll climb into her lap. But I'm not set up for that simply yet…I still miss yours a little too much.

Farewell for now. Please continue your lap set up for me when we meet over again. But until so, I volition be just fine here…because I'm dwelling again.

Honey and meows,

" data-medium-file="https://threechattycats.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/harley-yay-300x225.jpg" data-large-file="https://threechattycats.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/harley-yay.jpg" loading="lazy" class="size-full wp-image-22260" src="https://threechattycats.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/harley-yay.jpg" alt="Himalayan mixed cat yawning" width="550" height="413" srcset="https://threechattycats.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/harley-yay.jpg 550w, https://threechattycats.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/harley-yay-300x225.jpg 300w, https://threechattycats.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/harley-yay-533x400.jpg 533w" sizes="(max-width: 550px) 100vw, 550px">
"Yay! I'm home again!"

As you lot may take guessed, Ross and I have adopted Harley. With all my cats, and as I'm certain many of yous accept washed as well, you wonder about the life they had before finding their mode to yous. And so, I imagined that Harley had a loving home with an older lady who passed away. And frequently when that happens, the beloved pet ends up in a shelter. The middle part of the story – getting ill, not eating, being adopted and returned twice last twelvemonth – is unfortunately a true part of Harley'southward journey to us. Just now he is dwelling house. And he is here to stay.

Male, 9 years erstwhile
***adopted one/22/2018***

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Source: https://threechattycats.com/2018/02/02/home-again/

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